Network Rendering2022-11-04T16:36:23-07:00
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KeyShot Network Rendering

Expand your rendering with ease

KeyShot Network Rendering - Network Rendering

Render On Your Network

KeyShot Network Rendering allows you to connect multiple computer systems on one network and utilize all of your hardware to significantly and easily increase your rendering capacity and output. The power of KeyShot Network Rendering resides in enabling you to continue refining your design, adding variations, and submiting additional jobs to completely offload your visualization to the network.

KeyShot Network Rendering - How It Works

How It Works

KeyShot Network Rendering consists of three roles: Clients, Manager, and Workers. The KeyShot Client application communicates internally with the Manager service and assigns the job tasks to the available Workers. The Manager can have both CPU and GPU Workers connected and will assign the tasks of a CPU or GPU render job based on the Client application’s request.

The Power of KeyShot Network Rendering

The KeyShot Network Rendering software is compatible with macOS, Windows and Linux. And like KeyShot, Network Rendering (9.1 and newer) can process jobs in both CPU and GPU mode, depending on the abilities of the connected Workers.

KeyShot Network Rendering - Network Rendering System
more cores visualize faster
more cores visualize faster

How Many Cores Do You Need?

CPU Jobs

When utilizing CPUs for KeyShot Network Rendering, the correlation between render time and number of cores in your network is approximately linear and inversely proportional – by doubling the number of cores you potentially cut your render time in half. The performance is dependent on your CPU specification. To obtain the best results, select high performance processors, e.g. Intel Xeon or AMD Threadripper.

GPU Jobs

When utilizing GPUs for KeyShot Network Rendering, the render time can be even lower, e.g. rendering on an NVIDIA RTX GPU will be 4-6 times faster than on an Intel Core i7 CPU. You don’t need a specific license to render on the GPU. Each GPU will use up to 16 of the cores included in your KeyShot Network Rendering license. Visit the GPU Mode page in the KeyShot Manual for more information about requirements.

KeyShot Network Rendering - User Management

User Management

Manage all of the users in your organization with the ability to assign specific privileges based on role or usage. Easily add, remove or change passwords and privileges for each user all from a single screen within the user and group management system.

Worker Management

Manage your Workers, scheduling them for use at specific times or days. Set the number of cores allowed for each and see immediately what computers are allocated, with the ability to utilize computer power without KeyShot being installed.

KeyShot Network Rendering - Worker Management

KeyShot Network Rendering Features

  • Manager/Worker System – KeyShot install not required on Worker
  • Network Render Queue – render jobs can be submitted by everyone
  • Easy Install and Admin – simply install and follow the instructions
  • Simple Updates – downloaded from within the network queue
  • User Manager – allows user accounts to be managed over jobs in queue
  • Automatic Worker Enlistment – detected through Manager
  • Job Queue – shows current frame rendering and remaining job time
  • Job Prioritization – Queue allows jobs to be added and reprioritized
  • Unlimited Worker Support – with any number of CPU or GPU cores
  • Worker Tray Application – allows quick update on the network
  • Partial Image Download – download results before render is complete
  • Worker Scheduling – scheduled enabled slave usage on for set times
  • Worker Management – add or remove a slave at anytime
  • Version Compatibility – works with all versions of KeyShot
  • Support for macOS, PC, and Linux

Expand Your Rendering


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